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COMversations Update

March 19, 2006

It’s been a long time since anything happened here - but that is about to change.

First and foremost - a new interface - I decided to dump my old homebrew stuff and switch to WordPress. This will allow for comments, some additional stuff, and make my management job easier, so that I can concentrate on the writing.

A note about comment moderation: while this site allows (and encourages) comments, they are moderated, and comments will not appear until one of the site admins clears it. If you feel that this violates your personal rights, note that you don’t have any here, so please leave all N.O.I.S.E. at the doorstep.

If you disagree with something I wrote, try and post a comment that is non-abusive, factual, and shows a certain level of intelligence. Criticism is cool, abusive or “you are wrong because I am right” type comments are not.

Even if you do everything right, your comment may not make it to the light of day, which could be for reasons ranging from technical issues to my simply not liking you. :)

New stuff should be appearing here, soon!


1. Adnan - March 20, 2006

It would be great to hear your opinion on things going on in the Indian IT industry.

2. achitnis - March 20, 2006

:)) - just as I was preparing to move an old article of mine into this archive, along comes your comment. Talk about timing! :)

Please check out the next article.