Welcome to COMversations!

2003-09-15 21:05:15

The name COMversations comes from a column that I wrote for an Indian computing magazine between January 1993 and December 1996.

The column dealt largely with data communication, BBSs, modems and later on the Internet. By 1996, I was also covering topics such as Linux and OpenSource, as well as a lot of networking stuff.

Apart from the fact that it brought me an unbelievable amount of attention and exposure (some people might call it "fame"), it was more than anything else a lot of fun to research and write.

Since then, technical and techno-social writing has been part of my life, and I often find myself sitting down and "penning" (if one can still use that term in this day and age) an article on some topic or the other.

Additionally, I keep an online diary on the web at http://atulchitnis.net. While the diary was meant to track my personal life for friends, family and anyone else who may be interested, I also found myself mixing in a good dose of technical and techno-social writing, confusing the various types of visitors to my site.

Clearly, I needed to keep things separate.

So what does one do with all that material? Does one leave it to bit-rot in my archives, to slowly turn irrelevant? Or should one get them out there, in the hope that others may enjoy reading them, and possibly learn from them?

The answer is this site - COMversations.com.

Over time, I will start filling the site with stuff I have written - not just old articles, but new ones as well. In fact, the newer articles will come in first, while older articles will be "retro-fitted" over time.

A word about the site design - this site isn't designed to win any awards for design. It is designed to keep things simple and managable, and at the same time put the focus on the writing. So please excuse me for not dropping in lots of graphics, flash animations, java applets and other stuff you may be used to on other sites.

I hope that you, dear visitor, will enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.

Atul Chitnis
Bangalore, India
